Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Welcome to MSG!

Welcome to Mainstream Green (MSG) Online. As we kick off 2008, our resolution is to provide you with interesting, educational, and thought-provoking articles that espouse our core values: living green, being self-sufficient, and spending money wisely.

We know there are many great blogs on these topics (just check out our links section). But the one thing that sets us apart is balance. First, balance among the three values. Second, balance between those values and your personal fulfillment. We will have plenty of articles illustrating this concept in the coming weeks.


We believe that living a Mainstream Green life is not an all-or-nothing preposition. It’s about making small changes today, and continuing to make additional small changes in the future. We respect that while living green, being self-sufficient, and spending money frequently overlap, there are times when one must choose one of these values at the expense of the others.


We are not here to pass judgment on others' decisions, or to belittle anyone for attempting to find the right balance in life. We welcome differing ideas and lively conversation, but ask that all comments be kept constructive, cordial, and non-judgmental.

We thank you for visiting Mainstream Green today, and hope that you come back again soon.